These are just a few of the beautiful vintage Hermés scarves auctioned off here this past week. All of them, designs past and present, are complete works of art. A close friend has a closet filled with bright orange boxes, each one containing a gift either from someone or to herself and she uses them all. Clearly, I have scarf envy.

To take care of scarf envy, one need only head to the new Hermés store on rue de Sèvres in the 6th. A former indoor pool for Hôtel Lutetia right around the corner, this space has been magically transformed to hold not only beautiful silk scarves but home decor, clothing, a well curated book department, floral shop and tea salon. The children’s department, yes, there is one, was the only place I could perhaps afford something….a coloring book for a mere 100 euros. What I did actually walk away with was a beautifully forced hyacinth in a green glass container for about 20 euro. My tiny purchase makes me happy every time I come in contact with its heady fragrance.

Frivolously wonderful and worth a visit.
Additional Information:
17, rue de Sèvres, 75006, Paris
Métro: Sevres-Babylon (line 10)